Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bob Bennett Open letter to Mike Lee

Mr. Lee,

Last week, three retired generals and a Utah guardswoman who has served in Afghanistan held a press conference to voice concerns about your position on the War on Terror and, specifically, Afghanistan.

Your response was unsettling and unsatisfying to us. You claimed that your words were taken out of context, but you never actually addressed the issues raised. Then your campaign spokesman said you were only speaking "hypothetically". Which was it? Were you taken out of context, or were you only speaking hypothetically?

This is the kind of double-speak that makes voters cynical. And we've seen this movie all too often, most recently in 2008. Then, a bright, young attorney came on the scene and captured the imagination of America. He raised their hopes with his rhetoric but kept his positions vague. Once in office, he quickly dashed their dreams with his actions. We can't allow that to happen in Utah this election year.

Since your political views are still largely unknown, it is our responsibility as delegates to raise questions, and your responsibility as a candidate to answer them.

Your positions on foreign policy appear to be well outside the Republican mainstream. According to your campaign social media director, you do not support the war on terror. [Connor Boyack, Facebook. March 22, 2010 1:51PM]. He indicates that you are a disciple of Congressman Ron Paul on National Security issues [Connor Boyack, Facebook. March 22, 2010 1:51PM]. You've already stated that we should get out of Afghanistan "as soon as we can". Do you also agree with Paul that we should abandon Israel?

These isolationist views line up perfectly with the anti-war, anti-American views of, the Daily Kos, and are the positions of the extreme left. They are the views of those who do not understand America's role and responsibility in the world.

We find this worldview to be disqualifying if you believe it. It would be disturbing to us as delegates to have a senator from our state carry such views to Washington.

We are Reagan Republicans who believe in his vision of America as a "city set on a hill." We believe America must never shrink from being a beacon of hope for the rest of the world. We look forward to you reply, which we will distribute to other delegates as widely as we can.

Response to Bob Bennets "OPEN LETTER TO MIKE LEE"

Dear Mr Bennett,
My name is Jennie Larsen, I am a state Delegate district 67. I read the letter below and was sick to my stomach that YOU support policing the world, getting involved in foreign affairs that aren't ours, and completely ignore that fact that the so called "WAR ON TERROR" is being FUELED by our involvement in other countries that we have NO RIGHT being in. It has also reigned in the Patriot Act which is a blatant disregard of OUR Freedoms! My husband IS a National Guardsman who served a year in Iraq and I can tell you this, the sentiment across the board in the units he has served in and in the in the neighborhood which I live where my neighbors 20 year old son SHOT HIMSELF after returning from Iraq is the same "WE DON'T BELONG THERE" I also find it EXTREMELY ironic that you are so gun ho on this issue yet in a bill YOU supported I noticed that out of the MILLIONS of dollars given in this so called "DEFENSE" the LEAST amount was given to OUR BOARDERS!! Our first line of defense which YOU and most other politicians in Washington continue to IGNORE!! I also don't appreciate you speaking on behalf of the republican party calling us a "REGAN Republican" I am an AMERICAN living in a country that is suppose to be a "REPUBLIC" with GOD GIVEN rights protected by LAW. How can we be a beacon of hope to other nations when we are killing their people, policing their countries and illegally occupying their lands. Like you I will be sending my response to this "OPEN LETTER" to all delegates and EVERYONE whom Iam involved with through business, school, and my personal life. You in every way have been a traitor to our state and country and it's time for you to go.

Jennie Larsen
State Delegate district 67