Friday, April 2, 2010

Alpine School District works to Enculturate the Young into a Social and Political Democracy

The Alpine School District is promoting a controversial issue which has many parents concerned about their children's education. This link will explain what has happened.
The Communist Manifesto has 10 planks or points of focus which will empower the state to move the people toward the ideals of socialism. One of them is government controlled schools.
Do you think this might have some association or relationship?
The title of this post is the exact wording of the effort by the Alpine School District's charge to teach students about our Democracy.
I see one major problem with this idea.... it is that we don't live in a "Democracy." We live in a REPUBLIC. Do you know the difference?
You can find the answer at this link. It is the best explanation I have come across.

I think we are being lead in a direction which is not good for our country. What do you think?