Views | Topic |
National Defense | Abroad
- Maintain a strong military
- Be friendly to all, but avoid entangling alliance
On the border
- Stop illegal immigration; enforce existing laws
- Oppose all forms of amnesty
- Reinforce the border patrol and complete the fence
- Hold business owners accountable when they employee legal aliens.
- Commit the crime, served time in US prisons under US law
- End birthright citizenship and chain migration
- Establish English as the official language
In our families
- Defend states and local control of community standards
- Defend marriage between a man and a woman and their parental rights
- Protect the lives of the unborn and the elderly
Energy Independence | - Dismantle the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency
- Stop funding terrorism, drill here drill now open ANWR Alaska
- Stop Cap and trade
Fiscal Restraint | - Balance the budget
- End all "off budget" spending
- Pass transparency and earmark reform legislation
- Repeal legislation that has put our children into if you're reversible debt
- Repeal the 16th amendment End income and corporate tax
- Audit the Federal Reserve and repeal the Federal Reserve Act
- Adopt annual zero base budgeting and eliminate five-year projected budgets
- Attached balanced-budget provisions to specific bills
Limited Government | - Create a litmus test for legislation: "Does the bill have Constitutional standing?"
- Abolish the Department of Education
- Support federalism; adopt the enumerated Powers act
- Disband federal agencies and departments that lack constitutional standing or that duplicate state functions.
- Repeal the 17th amendment's- restore state sovereignty and senatorial accountability
- Work with Utah Legislature to reclaim Utah land unconstitutionally taken in federal government land grabs
Free-Market | - Stop bailing out failed businesses
- End federal control over health care, education and energy
- End inappropriate earmarks
- Require contracts to go through on open, corny- free bidding process
- Discontinue engagement with the World Trade Organization and repeal NAFTA
- End subsidies to private companies
- End government-guaranteed loans
- Repeal tax breaks to enterprises that outsource American jobs to foreign markets
- End unconstitutional government regulations
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